Russia and China are going to establish a company responsible for leasing of Sukhoi SuperJet 100 aircraft


United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) and Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company (SCAC) are going to establish a joint company with China responsible for leasing of Sukhoi SuperJet 100 in China and Southeast Asia, TASS reports with reference to a source close to aircraft industry.

The partners plan to sell at least 100 SSJ100 liners via the joint company based in China over the next three years. “Agreement with China related to leasing of SSJ100 aircraft should pave the way for global expansion of Russian civil aircraft industry,” the source said.

Official representative of UAC declined to comment on the matter.

Russian experts believe that the capacity of Chinese regional aircraft market is 1,300 vehicles (for the next 20 years) and they think that Russia may well occupy a significant market share.

In 2015 SCAC started certification of SSJ100 liner in China. The source said that the project is supported by Russian and Chinese financial institutions, which should allow the new lessor to offer a competitive lease rates.

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