Tu-160 “White Swan” will be a deciding factor in terms of nuclear deterrence


Russia will resume production of Tu-160 “White Swan” strategic bombers developed in the Soviet era; mass production will be launched at Kazan Aviation Plant named after S.P. Gorbunov. This time the bomber will feature stealth technologies, RIA Novosti reports.

The upgraded Tu-160 bombers will offer improved aircraft performance. Radioelectronic Technologies Concern (KRET) is ready to start the production of avionics for the strategic bomber. Representatives of KRET promised to make the bomber less vulnerable to enemy air defense systems.

“In light of development of US antiballistic missile defense system the importance of ground-based and submarine-based missiles is decreasing, because the whole defense system is focused on intercepting the ballistic missiles. Thus the importance of strategic bombers increases. That is why we are paying special attention to the aviation. Unfortunately Russia fell behind in 1990s and 2000s. We were developing mobile missile systems instead of long-range aviation; however, the missile systems are vulnerable. Now we are going to focus on the long-range aviation,” president of the Academy of geopolitical problems, Leonid Ivashov, told Sputnik.

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