Russian Helicopters Holding Company congratulated Irkutsk Aviation Plant with its 80th anniversary


Russian Helicopters Holding Company (subsidiary of Oboronprom Corporation, part of Rostec State Corporation) congratulated Irkutsk Aviation Plant (part of Irkut Corporation) with its 80th anniversary, the holding company’s press-service reports.

«On behalf of all the employees of our enterprises I would like to congratulate Irkutsk Aviation Plant and its employees with the enterprise’s 80th anniversary, – CEO of Russian Helicopters, Alexander Mikheev, said. – Responsible and efficient work of Irkutsk Aviation Plant contributed to defense capabilities of our country. Over the last 80 years the enterprise launched mass production of 12 aircraft types and manufactured about 7000 vehicles for aviation of Russia and 37 countries of the world».

“Irkutsk Aviation Plant is one of the Russia’s oldest aviation enterprises. Its construction was started in August 1932; it was put into operation on August 23rd 1934 in accordance with the order of Chief Administration of the Aircraft Industry. A solemn ceremony dedicated to opening of the plant’s major workshops was held the next day. In the course of its history the enterprise was renamed several times: «Plant No.125», «Plant No.39», Irkutsk Machine-Building Plant, Irkutsk Aviation Plant and Irkutsk Aviation Production Association. In 1930s the enterprise manufactured I-14 fighters and SB Family bombers. During the Great Patriotic War the plant manufactured Pe-2 dive bombers, Pe-3 fighters, long-range Il-4 and Er-2 bombers and their modifications. During the Second World War the plant manufactured over 2100 combat aircraft. After the war Irkutsk Aviation Plant started mass production of Tu-14 and Il-28 jet bombers as well as An-12 and An-24T transport aircraft. The enterprise’s main products were supersonic Yak-28, MiG-23UB, MiG-27, Su-27UB and Su-30 combat aircraft. In 1990s Be-200 amphibious aircraft was developed at the initiative of the enterprise; at present this jet is manufactured by Beriev Aircraft Company. In mid-1990s the plant was the main contractor responsible for development of Su-30MK Family of multi-role fighters”, – said in the statement of Russian Helicopters.

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