Falcons of Russia aerobatic team has performed demonstration flight on Su-30SM aircraft for the first time


Falcons of Russia (Sokoli Rossii) aerobatic team have performed demonstration flight on Su-30SM aircraft (instead of Su-27 jets) for the first time, representative of the press-service of Russian Ministry of Defense on Air Forces, Colonel Igor Klimov, RIA Novosti reports.

“Pilots of the Falcons of Russia aerobatic team of the Lipetsk retraining center have demonstrated aerobatic maneuvers and formation flying above the central square of Krasnoyarsk n the network of “Contract enlisted service is your choice” promo event”, — Klimov told journalists on Saturday.

He reminded that only the team leader, Head of Lipetsk Retraining Center, Alexander Kharchevski, has performed formation flying on Su-30SM fighters before, while the rest pilots have only operated Su-27 fighters.

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