Combat units operating S-400 air defense systems have come on duty in Moscow Region


Combat units of Zvenigorod air defense regiment operating S-400 Triumph air defense systems have come on duty after completion of training at the Tembr-M simulator. The units are responsible for assuring the air defense of Moscow, ITAR-TASS reports with reference to the official representative of the Aerospace Defense Forces, Colonel Alexey Zolotukhin.

“The combat units of Zvenigorod air defense regiment of the Aerospace Defense Forces took delivery of S-400 Triumph and Pantsir S-1 air defense systems this March. The personnel have successfully passed the training required for operating S-400 systems. The training was being carried out at the Russia’s only training regiment of Air Defense Forces. They have already carried out range practice at Kapustin Yar firing range and come on duty to provide air defense of Moscow and the  central industrial district”, – Zolotukhin said.

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